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 QCC - Quality Control in Construction

QCC founder and owner is David Friedman.      

David has had forty years experience in the building industry graduating Bachelor of Architecture Melbourne University 1980, registered as an Architect in State of Victoria 1982, joined the Royal Australian Institute of Architects (RAIA) in 1983, qualified as an ISO 9001 Lead Auditor in 1998 and achieved ISO 9001 Principal Management Consultant qualifications with RABQSA International in 2000.

In 2014, David was accepted into the Melbourne Law Masters,  Masters of Construction Law at the Faculty of Law, Melbourne University.

In 2018, Dr Paulo Vaz Serra invited David as a guest lecturer for the Masters of Construction Management course, Faculty of Architecture, Building and Planning, Melbourne University (For details see below).

The idea for QCC developed in 1995, when a large architectural office in Melbourne approached David to assist in the development of its quality system for certification.

On their behalf, David successfully trained QA staff to train others, and established and managed their quality system leading to the achievement of ISO9001 certification. In 1998, as a result of that and continuing requests to investigate suspect works in medium and large-scale projects, QCC was formed.

Since that time, QCC has provided project specific QA, contractual and construction advice, including mentoring and staff training, QA manual and procedures development, and the execution of construction compliance and forensic audits for public-funded major projects in the State of Victoria, Australia.

Under David's management, QCC's growing industry reputation has led to requests to share his knowledge on quality management and business improvement matters, not only with other building industry professionals but also with those in industries allied to construction.

In 2002, QCC contributed an article to the Momentum - The Quality Magazine of Australia, QSA International Issue 9 June 2002 entitled The Australian Dream - Are bad builders ruining the building industry? The article drew comparisons between domestic and commercial construction where quality is heavily marketed by those selling but all to often not enjoyed by those buying. David explained why.

In 2003, QCC joined The University of Melbourne, Australia Post, Boeing, IBM Global Services and Australian Navy Systems Command and others in the BIZQUAL 2003 Melbourne conference. David presented his paper on Quality Management Expenditure and Return on Investment specifically detailing the effects of the building industry's heavy promotion of  time and cost, at the expense of quality. Arguing the reverse should be the case.

In 2009, QCC was invited by the FIB International Federation for Structural Concrete (Technology and Engineering) scientific committee for the FIB 2009 International Symposium London UK and David presented his peer reviewed paper entitled Quality Control - Striving for the Verifiable Result.

The paper demonstrated how the application of specific quality control techniques can effectively limit project litigation; dramatically improve a project's quality outcome while saving the project owner, against any other delivery method, considerable costs in rework and dispute. David's paper was well received by the UK and EU government representatives.

For more on other papers see Conferences and Papers

In 2010, QCC-Quality Control in Construction was engaged in Building Education Revolution (BER) servicing over fifty schools. Commissioned by a large architectural practice, QCC provided a focal point for their documentation control, reviewed and provided feedback of its contract documents prior to issue; QCC also offered high level construction and contractual advice to senior management and staff including mentoring and staff training, while helping to smooth the path for a successful conclusion to an unusually tight project delivery schedule.

Later, QCC developed a new quality manual for the architectural practice that helped broaden and reinforce their quality management profile with their State government agency clients.

In 2018, Dr. Paulo Vaz Serra invited David as a guest lecturer for the Masters of Construction Management course, Construction - Faculty of Architecture, Building and Planning, Melbourne University to speak with Masters students about his experience in quality management in major construction projects.

David's QCC lecture addressed the pre-offered title of                 "Quality, a way of thinking".

David focused upon historical references and examples of major buildings of antiquity and the origins of Quality, contrasting that with 21st century's major building construction and the applications of "Quality" today. His presentation highlighted recent major project constructions, where cost overruns, litigation, site injuries and even death had in many cases rested upon the contractor's negligent complacency and or non compliance with building standards and regulations. David then posited how this could be effectively overcome (also see References).

Dr. Paulo Vaz Serra is the subject co-ordinator and senior lecturer for the Masters of Construction Management course at the Faculty of Architecture Building and Planning, Melbourne University .

For more information, please contact QCC's principal at david.friedman@qcc.asia